Stay Connected During General Conference

April 11, 2024

There are many ways you can remain informed throughout the two weeks of the General Conference in Charlotte. We hope you will engage with the latest updates and resources coming out of the WNCC Office of Communications, as well as the denominational sources of news and information (i.e. United Methodist News and United Methodist Communications).

-Bookmark the WNCC General Conference webpage and visit it regularly for up-to-date information. 
-Stay connected with our Conference E-News. If you are not already, subscribe to the E-News today. Our E-News will arrive in your inbox every Wednesday and Thursday with the most up-to-date news from the the Western NC Conferece. 
-Follow the WNCC on Facebook and Instagram (@wnccumc) for timely updates and discussions. You are always welcome and encouraged to share posts from the Conference's social media with your congregations and through your own social media pages.

Also, in an effort to provide you with the accurate information you need throughout this event, we will be closely monitoring our social media messages, with a goal response time of less than one hour between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Messages received after 7 p.m. will be answered the following morning. You can also email questions to WNCC Director of Communications, Aimee Yeager ( Please include “General Conference Question” in the subject line, so that we may prioritize your message and be sure you receive an accurate answer to your question in a timely manner."

You can also stay connected to information from The United Methodist Church, United Methodist News, and United Methodist Communications through the various channels mentioned on this page.


Categories: Clergy Connection Connect GC2024