Starting Your Own Creation Care Ministry or Green Team

  1. Meet with your faith leaders to learn their goals.
  2. Gain the support of lay leadership. Provision is made in The Book of Discipline, paragraph #254 Other Ministry Group Coordinators, to form an Earth Advocacy Committee.
  3. Identify and recruit others with similar passion for caring for God’s creation and form your team.
  4. Meet with your team, create a mission statement, establish your goals, set your priorities, and form a plan of action. Identify the intentional acts of caring and justice you wish to incorporate at the beginning.
  5. Be inclusive. Share your ideas with others in your church and community, then listen for their feedback and ideas.
  6. Get started! Have fun and let everyone know how you’re progressing. This is like a faith walk – everyone starts exactly where they are and each person moves forward at his or her own pace. Be patient, and celebrate your successes!
  7. Good luck! And let us know how you’re doing! Email stories and photos to